Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Ice cream face
They don't look 'measly' in this picture Shannon :)

Amy.. again
Jarret.. this is what Jarret looks like ALL the time.. mouth open and words pouring out..
Started out my week with a sick kid yesterday. Amy was not feeling well and she came into our room and was laying down. She was wheezing because of her asthma and had a fever. So I gave her her puffer and some Tylenol. Next thing I know she was puking all over my just washed sheets and comforter. All over me.. all over her.
Poor baby. She has never thrown up before.. well if you don't count baby spit up. She is pretty pale today but feeling better. I had to go across the street to the Laundromat before work. Then I made it to work at exactly 12 on the nose. George had the day off so he was home with her.
I am off to get ready for the day.
Have a good one
Lata Skata


Shannon said...

Jarret is adorable and I'm sooo sorry sweet little Amy is sick.

Yes, the falls look much more majestic, LOL.

Char said...

See what happens when I work days? We can't talk any more and I don't know what's going on. Poor Amy! You were just telling me the other day that she's never been sick to her stomach. Poor girl. And you guys too...it's not fun when they're like that. There's not much you can do for them when they're throwing up. I hope she feels better fast.

Words "pouring out"? LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Char and Jenn,

Both yours and Char's version of never talking is what other people call, "we talk all the time"...lol

Not sure if that makes sense


Jamie said...

Aww, sorry to hear she's sick. It's not fun when they have the pukes. Hope no one else catches it.

Great pictures! And no, I don't think the falls are measley either (or messy for that matter) LOL.

Anonymous said...

Poor Amy, wow she is growing up. Hope the flu bug is gone.