Wednesday, May 02, 2007

First thank you to everyone for the well wishes for Amy. She is still feeling a bit punky but she was able to go to school today.
The above pictures are from Sunday night. George and I took the kids to see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It was the late show.. it started at 9:30pm so it ended up being a late night. But it was worth it. Once in a while wont kill them. Yes.. Amy is in her pj's!
God.. it is so expensive to take your family to the movies! To buy the admission tickets was $50 plus you have to get popcorn and drinks.. Crazy how much it is for a family night out. This is why its very seldom we take the kids to the theater. I love doing but it hurts the wallet a bit...
Well.. I am off to watch the last of the Senators game..
Lata Skata


Shannon said...

No kidding about the cost. I sneak popcorn and we get them water at the concession stand.

The last time we took them to the movies was Thanksgiving!

Major Bedhead said...

I'm dreading the summer because there are two movies I want to see on the big screen - Pirates (Johnny Depp...droool) and Harry Potter. Even if I just go with O, it's still going to be $40 just to see the movies. Add snacks on to that and forget it. I think I'll sneak in grocery store snacks.