Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Yet another trip to Emergency with Amy.

Yes.. We again were at the emergency room with Amy. We were at WalMart picking up the kids pictures and *George was telling Amy to pull down her shirt. She was scratching herself on her belly. I bent down to see what was up and she had a bunch of white welts all over her. I thought that it looked like when she had chicken pocs. Then it was all over her neck and she was red all over. She was going crazy with the scratching. Earlier we were at *Georg's Aunts to see his cousins new baby. His Aunt has 2 cats and I thought she was having an allergic reaction to the cats. But my mom had a cat and she never reacted that way. Then *George realized that Amy had a bite of a cookie with Walnuts in them. Then I started to panic..(for those that don't know I DON'T handle emergencies well at all). So we decided we should get to the emergency room. She started to wheeze and cough. I was panicking.. And my poor Jarret started to panic. So George had a panicking 27 year old, a panicking 6 year old, and a 3 year old who was having an allergic reaction. We got to the Grace Hospital (because it is only about a 5 min drive) and they took her in right away. She had an Antihistamine shot in the arm then an Epi shot in her tummy. It took 3 pokes and George and I holding her down. The poor nurse got a kick in the face. Then she had Pediapred taken oraly. We got there at about 5:30pm and we couldn't leave until 10:00pm. They wanted her their for observation so she didn't have a relapse. My mom came at picked Jarret up and took him home. We left at about 10:15pm. We have to carry an Epipen with us at all times. I have one for my moms too. We also should have Benadryl on hand. Needless to say I have a very cranky girl on my hands this morning. She was up pretty early.

So that was our exciting trip to the Emergency Room. Anyone out there have nut allergies???


Char said...

Believe it or not, no nut allergies in our house. Thankfully you guys were that close to a hospital. Hopefully she'll grow out of this allergy and the epi-pen will be a short lived requirement. Give her hugs and kisses from all of us here....we're so happy she's okay now :)

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, that is so scary!! I hope she recovers fast! My brother is anaphylactic to Peanuts, he has been since he was a baby. I've seen him have minor reactions on more than one ocassion and it's such a terrifying experience. Allergies are so serious.

Jenn said...

Thank you for your concern!! She is alot better today. She is just a bit tired cause she had a late night early morning. She still is talking as much!! LOL.

Anonymous said...

Awwwwww poor Amy, poor you, poor Jarret and even poor George. I didn't know that she had allergies. Brandon is allergic to peanuts/nuts and eggs {those are the big ones} and we carry an Epipen everywhere but haven't had to use it. {Knock on wood!} Hope that she outgrows it and that she isn't exposed to it again. Take care...((((HUGS))))