Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Happy Birthday Bev

I was looking for a picture to put up here of you and me.. and nothing.. whats up with that?

Anyway.. Bev and I have been friends for .. What?? 50 years?? Lol.. Its actually been about 14 years. We met in grade 9 and it didn't start out all that great. I think we got into an argument and she didn't talk to me for about 3 months. But in those 3 months I kept bugging her and pestering her to talk to me. I think that made her more mad. I seem to remember having fun with it though. But ever since then we have been friends. She is my best friend. We could go forever (cause she doesn't call..) without talking to eachother and once we (I call her) re connect we pick up where we left off.

Have a wonderful day.. I am so glad you are as old as me now.. At least for a few months anyway. I miss you.. and will talk to you soon!!

Lata Skata

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