Friday, September 15, 2006

Something different

Got this from Joleens blog.. something different to post give you all a break from my pictures!!

I want: My EI to start coming
I have: A husband that make me laugh all the time
I wish: That Char can make it out sometime next month
I hate: Running out of stuff like shampoo..toiletpaper,toothpaste..ect
I miss: Everyone in Winnipeg!!
I hear: YTV and busses
I wonder: If I will ever have a job I enjoy
I regret: Not seeing enough of everyone in Winnipeg before we moved away
I am not: The "typical" stay at home mom
I dance: All the time
I sing: Poorly
I cry: Easily
I am not always: Thinking
I make with my hands: Supper for my family.. its been along time
I write: Blog entrys and emails
I confuse: Lol.. myself and everyone who knows me
I need: Self esteem
I should: Get the hell off this computer and do some house work
I start: Nothing.. boring
I finish: Fights??? lol bad answer but have no idea..

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