Friday, November 25, 2005

Jarret received his report card and it was very good. I was a bit nervous because he is in French immersion.. But I don't think I have anything to worry about. We also had Parent Teacher today too and that was good. I only had 2 minor concerns.
1. Jarret has come home in the past worried that he doesn't always finish his work in class
2. How much he understands the French part of school

Both of these concerns were talked about and I feel better. I thought that Jarret didn't finish his work in class because he talkes and socializes too much in class. I thought this because this is why I always had problems in school. But the reason is because he takes his time and is very neat and organized when doing an assignment. So that made me happy. The teachers said they would definitely work on that. And the French part they said that Jarret participates in the games they play and songs they sing in French so there is really nothing to worry about. They took notes on our questions which made me feel better that they will work on this stuff and keep an eye out for it too. Both teachers said very nice things about him. So it was a good visit.

I had such a busy day today. We have been out since 9:30am and we just got home at 4:00pm. And Jarret has to go to a bday party from 5-7 tonight and I still have to get *George from work. I am so tired. Well that's it for now. Its time to get kids in the car again.


Anonymous said...

busy, busy, busy! I can totally relate. I finally came home today after shopping for holiday baking and had to go pick Brandon up from his field trip. It has been non-stop all day and we're still not done. Ahhh, home sweet home tonight!


Anonymous said...

I had one of those days too. Im know Jarret will do well in school. He is a nice guy and in he really listens to what people have to say to him. He's awesome. As for my last day with Emma we were out and about getting ready for Mom to come home so we can give her the gifts we went out for. It wouldnt have been so bad but i washed my car lastnite and all of my doors were frozen shut. So i only had access to one of them wich was the rear drivers side. So picture me climbing into the back seat with emma bundles in her snow suit, then climbing from the back seat to the front passengers seat tehn over to the drivers seat ALL DAY LONG....
Havew a good nite

Jenn said...

I am home all night too. I sent *George out for the night so I can have some time alone. And Uncle I can just imagine how "fun" it was today with your frozen car and Emma!! Tee hee.. I just said her name and got a big smile on my face. Give her kisses!!