Sunday, March 05, 2006

Its a sad day in the Nagam house!

Not sure if everyone remembers my explanation about my blog title Upusdown. If not I will refresh your memory. I called it Upusdown because that is how Amy said upsidedown. It was the cutest thing. George and I would try to make her say that word all the time. But today she was talking (as usual) and she said upsidedown! George and I looked at eachother and kinda had a sad face and asked her to repeat what she just said to make sure its what we heard. Sure enough she said upsidedown again. Jarret always tried to correct her and the "great parents" that we were would tell him not to correct her. How awful is that? But we didn't want her to I guess "growup". So again the wonderful parents that we are were saying upusdown to her and she was getting mad that we weren't saying it correctly. This may sound silly to everyone that we are a bit sad about this but it was soo darn cute. We also don't correct Jarret on a few words cause its cute the way he talks sometimes. He is 6 and in grade 1 so really we should be encouraging him to speak correctly. Instead of saying "make" he says "nake" or instead of "need" he says "meed" now that I see this in printing I think we start correcting him.

Well that's it for now.. gonna get ready for my big night! LOL.

Lata Skata


Char said...

There are several words I didn't even attempt to correct with Kelsey, and I'm not too quick to correct Jake either.

clathecloff = facecloth
feefowns = crayons
go go dus = yogurt juice = Yop

atchuwee = actually

I seriously can't think of anything else that Jake doesn't say correctly. We all know how "precise" that kid needs to be. I'm still thinking.....
Got one:
Inja Totos = Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Oh, and fweep = sleep

I know what you's so cute, and it's such a short lived stage. Is it really going to matter down the road that they said one or two words their own way for a period in their lives? I doubt it.

Char said...

How could I possibly have forgotten....

I yike it ayot = I like it alot

Jenn said...

Or my favorite


Char said...

Oh yes...silly me! How could I have forgotten?

All Nob said...

My friend "Big Jay" has a few words that are cute too. He's 34 and runs an oil company in Alberta.

whoff = what if
yoousgies = you guys
howzabout = how about

Ah, they are so adorable at that age.

Char said...

Jay! Next time you talk to him tell him I said hi.

J-BOMB! said...

I realize kids say words in cute and funny ways, but when grown ups do it and think they are pronouncing it properly it drives me insane. Like when they say irregardless or supposably. Get a dictionary!