He said he liked doing it, but told me he thinks he should get an allowance. We agreed that if he does some chores around the house then yes.. he can get an allowance. He seems to think that every time he does dishes he should get $2, and taking out the garbage is worth $1. Does this sound fair? I honestly have no idea..
Anyway.. he was very cute doing the dishes yesterday. We'll see how long he likes doing them.
Brendon just turned 8 and I'm still trying to get into the mindset that he's capable of doing "adult" things like doing laundry and washing dishes.
They're growing up faster than I can keep up with!
It starts off small, and that was the age Kelsey started doing household chores. She was always responsible for making her bed in the mornings - even when she was 5 (somehow now that seems wrong, but she did it without arguing). As they get older, they most certainly are capable of doing more. Adding an allowance is a great incentive too. Not that you expect them to take everything over, but it really teaches them alot when they have responsibilities like that. They appreciate a little more what we do for them every day. I think.
Anyway, he's not too young to start things like that at all.
I hope I don't sound like a cranky auntie.
I always thought the reason people had kids was so they could slack off and hand those day to day chores to them.
Get him in there I say, and don't let that Amy get away without her share too. By the time summer rolls around she should at least be doing oil changes on the car or mixing jugs of margaritas!!
Hmmm, maybe this is the reason nobody wanted to have kids with me?
Take care!
They really do grow up fast dont they? I have a hard time letting go sometimes..
You do not sound like a cranky Auntie..lol. That's funny. What you say is so true.. :)
Amy will be doing oil changes and when we have a flat tire it will be her on the side of the road changing it.. lol.
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