Saturday, June 23, 2007

Amy on her first ride at Canadas Wonderland of the year
This is The Bat roller coaster.. guess who actually went on it???
Yup!! Jarret.. this is him after he got off the ride!
I cant believe he went on this ride! It pulls you up.. then drops you and you go around the loops upside down ect.. then it gets to the other side and pulls you up slowly.. then drops you and you do the same loops backwards!! I couldnt watch. My stomach was flipping.. and I had to turn away. I could watch it if it was just George.. but my baby was on his first big roller coaster. I was so proud of him. I hope he continues to go on the big rides..
We are out of here for the day..
Lata Skata


Anonymous said...

:O i thought your guys' first time going would be when i come! oh well. we are still goign when i come though arnt we :P

we better.

Jenn said...

Is this Kelsey? If it is we will for sure be going with you!!!

I cant wait to see you!

Shannon said...

As far as I'm concerned, the scarier the roller coaster, the better. I know Jessica would go on with me, but Brendon wouldn't go for it....he's just like his father ;)

Shannon said...


Thank you for the comment you left on my blog. I'm glad I did you proud :)))

Char said...

I just noticed the people behind Jarret in that last picture look awfully happy. Do you know them?