Monday, January 14, 2008

George received a phone call last night from our bank. They noticed some "unusual" activity from our bank account. It turns out someone somehow made a copy of his bank card information and cleaned out our bank account.

We have a loan coming out tomorrow and no money to cover it.. isn't that nice???


Shannon said...

Whoa. Does the bank have insurance that can protect you from that? I'm not sure how it works in Canada.

Jamie said...

OMFG! Holy crap Jenn! That's soooo scary! Is there any insurance coverage through the bank for stuff like that? Omg! You guys must be just sick to your stomach over this :(

I hope things can get settled for you guys - that it horrible!

Jenn said...

I am pretty sure they will replace it since they are the ones that called us to let us know. We had no clue!! It is pretty upsetting. The investigation can take up to 10 days.

I just hope it gets fixed soon.. I will keep you posted!

Char said...

The bank will totally recover everything - there were probably a bunch of people who used their card the same place as George and there was a pattern, so it's confirmed that it wasn't your fault. It's called skimming when that happens. It's insane how much it's out there and how many people it actually happens to. The funny thing about it is that banks are on to this sort of thing, because they have such tight security, so what makes someone think that they're not going to get caught if they try it? Not very smart. I've never gone through it myself, but working for the bank, I've talked to many, many people it's happened to, and it's such a violation! It's the same as someone breaking into your house. Thankfully your bank called you before you noticed it. It doesn't always happen that way, and people are left totally and completely stranded - sometimes away on holidays somewhere. Just know that it will all get fixed, and nothing will show negatively on you guys at all.

Voice said...

I'm outraged! Hopefully everything can be recovered and it doesn't leave you guys out in the cold. People who do this are just chicken, why back in the old days if you didn't have the guts to rob someone face to face, you just didn't do it. Keep a stiff upper lip guys, hugs all 'round.
