Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Happy Birthday Jakey

Its Jakeys birthday today! He is the big 4. I called him this morning to sing Happy Birthday to him and as soon as I was done he told me all about his presents. And that he is bringing "muffins" to school for his class! Muffins meaning cupcakes. I was trying to upload some pictures of him but for some reason I can not. So if I can later I will. So.. Have a good day Jakey.. Love you and miss you lots!!

*edited- finally could post the pictures I wanted of him.. *

Lata Skata


Char said...

Aaawww...thanks Jenn! Did you faint like Amy did when you realized it was his birthday?

Jenn said...

Lol.. no I didnt faint but I cant believe they are 4!!!

Char said...


Look how chubby he was!!!!!! He looks so startled in that picture!

Too cute!